PE Days: Year 4 - Tuesday and Thursday Year 5 -
Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside.
Hi Squirrels!
Welcome to our class page. Here you will find information about what we are doing on certain days and what we are learning about this term.
This term our big question is:
How do we grow?
To answer this question, the children will study how the human body changes from birth to old age. Pupils will study the changes that happen to the human body from conception through to old age. They will cover the period of growth known as adolescence and will learn about the changes to the human body. Pupils will compare and contrast the different gestational periods of animals, including humans and will understand that human infants need care and attention for many years before they are independent. Pupils will learn about changes to the human body in old age and the importance of a healthy lifestyle at all ages.
In Maths, the children will be looking consolidating their understanding of place value and comparing numbers. In History, we will be studying one of the earliest civilizations, Baghdad AD900. In Art, we will be studying different styles in art and this will also link with our History topic.
In Geography, the children will become cartographers, which people who make maps. They will draw lines and divide the world into sections in order to locate places accurately. Through P.H.S.E. we will look at the importance of working together and making each other how new beginnings can be exciting but challenging. In R.E. we will learn look at the Old Testament and people of God. Our D.T. project will be looking at how different mechanisms are used for moving toys. In Computing we will be focusing on coding and how to writhe algorithms. In French, the children we will learn words and phrases linked around the question, ‘Where do I live?’. Our P.E. lessons will be focusing on football skills and gymnastics.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr Wallace via ClassDojo.
Please remember all messages about attendance and changes to pick up/drop off should be sent to the School Office.
Home Learning
As always, where possible, the most important thing your child can continue to do whilst at home is read, practise times tables ( and learn any spellings given.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday and will then be learnt and tested on a bi-weekly basis.
We will set homework using the following websites:
Maths - and
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) -
Your child will be given login details to keep at home.
Stilton C of E Primary Academy and Pre-School
Tel: 01733 240480
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs Rachel L'Erario/Mrs Rachel Kirkman (Senior Office Administrator's)
School Address:
Church Street
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