PE Day: Monday and Wednesday
Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days. Make sure they have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case their lesson is outside.
Hello Hedgehogs!
Welcome to our class page, where you can find information about PE days, homework and the learning we will be doing over the term.
Our learning question this half term is linked to our RE Topic.
What are the main beliefs held by Buddhists?
Can you guess what we will be learning about here and what our RE topic will be based on?
Within Maths this term, we will be moving our focus to statistics and properties of shape. We will continue to revise fractions, decimals, percentages, converting measures and geometry, as well as practise all four mathematical calculations practised last term and in previous year groups.
In English this term, we will be continuing with our persuasive speeches and then moving into our class Shakespeare text ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and looking at creating fiction stories around further different texts. We will be practising grammar, punctuation and spelling learnt in previous year groups and will continue to learn to use those expected at Year 6 level.
In Reading, our texts will mainly be centred on ideas linked to our topic themes, with non-fiction texts linked with these too. Our class texts will be ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell, leading into 'Skellig' by David Almond. We will continue to use the reading strategies the children already understand and will challenge the children to answers questions in a detailed way.
In History, we will be continuing to look at World War 2 and the events that lead to this, as well as, begin to look at the lead into the Cold War and how this spanned nearly 45 years. In Geography, we will be learning all about Africa and its diversity, civilisations and economy. In our PSHE lessons, we will begin to discuss the effects of drugs on the Human Body, lifestyle, family and friends. In Science, we will be learning about the evolution of living things and in Art, we will be continuing to look at the artist William Morris and his effect on the arts and crafts community. In our RE this term, we will be learning about Buddhism.
Key information:
PE Days: These are now Monday and Wednesday
Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days. Make sure they have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case their lesson is outside.
Homework: To continue to support the children’s learning in school, we encourage them all to complete homework, so that they can practise their ongoing knowledge and skills learnt. The children will be asked to complete these tasks:
-Times table practice - TT Rock Stars tasks set by teacher
-Complete Maths set by teacher
Reading: Please continue to read 4 times a week. Children should continue to log this in their reading logs or on a piece of paper and then hand into the teacher weekly.
Maths: Please continue to practice times tables with your child – this can be done in a variety of ways. We are very excited to be using 'TT Rockstars' this year and the children have been enjoying using this at school too.
(Please do contact us if you have any queries or questions about the homework).
Over the year, children may be asked to complete additional homework, which will be communicated with the children and via Class Dojo at that time.
If home learning needs to take place at any point throughout the year again, we will update this page accordingly with further information.
As always, if you have any questions then please get in touch via Class Dojo. Please ensure any urgent messages or absences are still sent to the office in the case the teacher cannot view Class Dojo right away.
See you all soon.
Mrs Brumby
Below is a list of useful websites: - Reading - maths activities across the Year 6 curriculum - Writing - Dictionary and thesaurus work - Mathletics
Maths online games - Maths games - Mathematics - shape, space and measure - Mathematics - number - Maths skills revision
Stilton C of E Primary Academy and Pre-School
Tel: 01733 240480
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs Rachel L'Erario/Mrs Rachel Kirkman (Senior Office Administrator's)
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