Otter - Year 1

Welcome to Otter Class

PE Day: Monday and Friday

Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside. 

Welcome to our class page, where you can find information about PE days, homework and the learning we will be doing over this half term.


Within Maths this half term, we will be focusing on Number & Place Value within 10 and starting to look at Addition & Subtraction within 10. We will use a range of practical resources to explore and solve different calculations.


In English this half term, we have started exploring nouns, verbs and adjectives using the Gruffalo to inspire our sentences. We will then move on to focus our fiction writing around the story ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Anthony Browne. We will be practising sentence structure, punctuation and using our phonics to support spelling.


In Phonics, we will begin by recapping all our Initial code sounds and then moving onto begin looking at the Extended code sounds. We will also use a range of phonics games and activities to further demonstrate our understanding. You can find the Initial Code and Extended Code sound mats in your Child’s reading diary.


In Geography, we will begin by focusing on Spatial Sense and exploring maps. In PSHE, we will be exploring our Emotions and Relationships. In Art, we will be exploring Colour and looking at how artists use tints and shades. In Science, we will be focused on The Human Body and our 5 Senses. In RE, we will be exploring God and focusing on the question – ‘What do Christians believe God is like?’ In PE, will be focused on the Fundamentals and Gymnastics.


Other useful information:

PE Days: 

Monday and Friday

Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days. Make sure they have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case the lesson is outside.

Homework: Please continue to read at least 4 times a week with your child and please continue to log this in their reading diaries. The children should be bringing the reading books and diaries into school everyday so that adults can also read with them in school when time allows. Books will be changed every Friday.

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