PE Day: Wednesday and Thursday
Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside.
Summer Term!
Our learning questions this half term are linked to our RE units where the children will be learning about Christianity.
Year 2 - What good news does Jesus bring?
Year 3 - What do Christians mean when they talk about the Kingdom of God?
In English this half term the children will be focusing on non-fiction writing. The children will be writing diary entries based on ‘The Great Fire of London’. They will be using their sense and imagining what life would have been like using the diary of ‘Samuel Pepys’. I’m sure they will impress me with their descriptive sentences. They will then move onto instruction writing.
In maths year 2 will be learning about money. Where possible please show the children real coins and find the total. It would be great if the children could see you using real money in the shops or even pay for something themselves. They then move onto multiplication and division.
Please see our knowledge organisers to find out what the children will be learning about in art, geography, history and science. Later in the term the children will be sewing in DT.
Keep an eye on our Class Dojo page for weekly messages and updates.
Your child is expected to read at least 4 times a week at home. These reads should be recorded in their reading diary and brought into school on a Monday morning. Each week, if your child completes the four reads, they will move up the planets, earning at rocket reader certificate once they reach the sun. Your child can change their reading book as they need to. All levelled books are within the classroom, so the children can do this as they arrive in the morning.
TTRockstars – as much as possible, but a minimum of 10 minutes per week. Little and often is the best way. You can download the app so the children can access it easily and play where ever you are.
Please learn how to spell the weekly CEW. These will be set on Class Dojo and a full list is on the link below.
Complete maths – please complete one goal each week. – year 3 will be set a weekly task and year 2 bi-weekly.
Stilton C of E Primary Academy and Pre-School
Tel: 01733 240480
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs Rachel L'Erario/Mrs Rachel Kirkman (Senior Office Administrator's)
School Address:
Church Street
DEMAT Office Address:
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