PE Day - Year 3:
Thursday and Friday.
Year 4: Thursday (Swimming) and Friday
Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside.
Welcome Badgers!
Welcome to our class page, where you can find information about PE days, homework and the learning we will be doing over the term.
Within Maths this term, we will be focusing decimals including money, time and shape, Year 4 will be focusing on speed and accuracy of times tables ready for their multiplication check in early Jume.
In English this term, we will be first looking at Phillip Pullman’s Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp, followed by poetry. We will also be looking at our use of grammar and spelling within each unit.
In Reading, we will continue to read ‘ Charlotte’s Web’ beautiful story about the adventures Fern and her pig Wilbur. We will also continue to read Phillip Pullman’s Aladdin and look at poetry.
Year 3
In History, we will be looking at the history of Law and power and in Geography we will be learning all about Asia and Western Europe. In our PSHE lessons, we will look at beginning and belonging. In our RE we will be learning about the gospel. In Science, we will be learning about Forces and magnets, and rocks, and in Art we will be exploring modern Architecture.
Year 4
In History, we will be looking at The Stuarts and in Geography we will be learning all about Asia and South East England. In our PSHE lessons, we will look at beginning and belonging. In our RE we will be learning about the gospel. In Science we will be learning about electricity and states of matter while in Art we will be looking at Byzantine Monuments and Needlework, Embroidery and Weaving.
Year 3 PSHE
Here are the questions we will be considering in PSHE this year in Year 3. Firstly we will be looking at relationships-
What is my role in helping my school be a place where we can learn happily and safely? How can we build relationships in our class and how does this benefit me? What does it feel like to be new or to start something new? How can I help children and adults feel welcome in school? What helps me manage a new situation or learn something new? Who are the different people in my network who I can ask for help?
And then moving on to build on work in year 2 about our emotions.
Why is it important to accept and feel proud of who we are? What does the word ‘unique’ mean and what do I feel proud of about myself? Why is mental wellbeing as important as physical wellbeing? How can I communicate my emotions? Can I recognise some simple ways to manage difficult emotions? What does it mean when someone says I am “over reacting” and how do I show understanding towards myself and others? How do my actions and feelings affect the way I and others feel? How do I care for other people’s feelings? Who can I talk to about the way I feel? How can I disagree without being disagreeable?
Each week on a Friday, we collect in your child's reading diary. We would expect your child to have read four times each week. They are then able to move across the planets to become a Rocket Reader!
Your child should record in their diary.
Times tables
By the end of year 4, your children will need to be able to recall multiplication facts for all tables up to 12 x 12. TTRockstars is a great way to support this and it is an expectation that children are using it daily..
Children are expected to spend time on Complete Maths weekly, achieving a minimum of one goal. Daily practice on TTRockstars and/ or Num Bots to support number fluency. Weekly Spelling homework will be set, these are not tested but are to support writing in class.
Stilton C of E Primary Academy and Pre-School
Tel: 01733 240480
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs Rachel L'Erario/Mrs Rachel Kirkman (Senior Office Administrator's)
School Address:
Church Street
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