Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

School Council 2023-24

We are proud of our Pupil Voice at Stilton C of E Primary Academy.  We have a range of Pupil Voice Groups who support different aspects of the schools work.  One part of this is our School Council.  Our School Council come together regularly to meet with Mrs Smallman to discuss specific areas we would like to develop within our school.  We then feed this back to our classes and work together to come up with solutions and ways to support our school in developing further.  We know that our voices are important and heard. 

Please find more information about our current School Council below:

School Council Membership 2023-24 School Council Meeting Minutes 22.09.23 School Council Meeting Minutes 06.10.23 School Council Meeting Minutes 22.11.23 School Council Meeting Minutes 12.03.24
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