Squirrel - Year 5

Welcome to Squirrel Class

PE Day: Monday and Tuesday.

Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside.

Hi Squirrels!


Welcome to our class page. Here you will find information about what we are doing on certain days and what we are learning about this term.


This term our big question is:


What is unique about Australia?

To answer this question, we will be geographers and use maps and atlases to locate Australia and surrounding countries. We will discover that Australia is one of the largest countries on Earth and that it is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The children will explore Australia’s diversity and identify its huge range of indigenous species of plants and animals. We will learn about the Aboriginal people who have lived in Australia for over 60,000 years. (Avoid using the term indigenous- see resource at end of pack).

In Maths, we will be looking at fractions and in number, decimals and percentages. In History, we will be studying the Transatlantic Slave Trade. In Art we will studying art from China. Through P.S.H.E. we will explore the theme of ‘Working Together’; in R.E. we will learn about the religion of Christianity and the theme of ‘Salvation’. Our D.T. project will be looking at the Cooking and Nutrition, and as part of their work with food, the children will be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. In Computing we will be focusing on digital lifestyles. Our P.E. lessons will be focusing on netball skills and different styles in dance.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Wallace via ClassDojo.

Please remember all urgent messages, or messages about attendance and changes to pick up/drop off, should be sent to the School Office.

Home Learning

As always, where possible, the most important thing your child can continue to do whilst at home is read, practise times tables (www.ttrockstars.com) and learn any spellings given.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday and will then be learnt and tested on a bi-weekly basis.

We will set homework using the following websites:

Maths - www.completemaths.com and www.ttrockstars.com

SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) - www.spag.com

Your child will be given login details to keep at home.

Other useful information:

Key Performance Indicators - Year 5
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