Parent, Community and Pupil Voice

Parent, community and pupil voice

We value the views of our children, parents, community and staff and seek to try and gather these through a variety of different ways.

Pupil voice


The voice of our children is highly important to us. We speak to our children about every aspect of our school to ensure that they feel heard and are able to see how their views can make positive changes. We do this in a variety of ways. As a school we have several Pupil Voice groups including School Council and Sports Leaders, who come together to consider specific aspects of the school. In addition to this, our Senior Leaders and Curriculum Leaders regularly speak to the children to find out more about their learning, what is working well and how we can improve further. 

Parental Feedback


Over the past two years, speaking to Parents and Carers face to face has been quite tricky due to the pandemic. However, as a school we have felt it is even more important to keep in contact with families in other ways to ensure that we continue to provide opportunities that families consider to be most valuable to their children. We have therefore used several different ways to gather feedback from Parents and Carers during this time including through the use of Class Dojo messenger, Google Questionnaires and through the Headteacher Newsletters. Each time that we seek the views of our families, we try to cover a range of aspects to get the fullest possible picture of what families feel we do well and what they would like to see introduced or adapted to support further. 


Alongside this, where we have been able to hold events in school we have asked Parents and Carers to provide us with feedback relating to these. 

Feedback from our most recent learning cafe included:


“I love the opportunity to come into school – I really enjoy it!”

“I am impressed with all the different ideas that the teachers have to take on board.”

“It is great to see the children enjoying the activities and interacting!”

“It was good to see Foundation Stage children turning to their partners and talking.”

“More of this should be happening in secondary schools! I think it is a really good idea”

“I’m impressed with all the methods – you can see the results in class … very impressive.”

“It was great to see children helping each other.”

“It’s good to see how they’re being taught so we don’t do it for them at home!”

Ofsted Parent View

Your views about the school are important to us

If you are a registered parent or carer of a child at our school, you can tell us your views about our school by completing Ofsted's online survey, Parent View, at:



Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, including the progress made by your child, the quality of teaching, dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The inspectors will use the online survey responses when inspecting our child’s school.


To register your views, you will need to provide your email address, which will be held securely. It will not be used for any purpose other than providing access to the online survey. 


To view and compare our school performance, please visit the Government site.

Staff view


Alongside gaining the views of our children and Parents/Carers, we regularly spend time gathering the views of our staff. This is to find out what the staff believe works really well in our school, what they feel we could further develop and if they have any ideas about how we could do this. This feedback is shared with our stakeholders including our Local Governing Body and the Trust. 


We want to ensure that our whole school community feel valued and their voice heard so this is very important to us all. As a school, we share news from the school in local communications and invite everyone to send us their views. All input received is discussed with the team and shared so that all are able to decide on future actions and share in positive feedback.

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