Owl - EYFS

Welcome to Owl Class

PE Day: Wednesday (am)

Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside. 

Hello Owls and Owl parents,


Hello Owls and Owl parents,


Welcome back for your second exciting and busy term at Stilton. 

The children have settled in really well to the routines and we will continue to build on this as we add daily Collective Worship to our timetable this term. 


This term we will be looking at Space and exploring the International Space Station.  We will be learning about the life of an Astronaut and what they do to study space.  We will also looking at Growing and Changing.  This will include thinking about how we grow over time, how this looks for different animals and also plants. 


In Phonics we will be moving on to blending sounds independently, using the sounds we have already learnt as we continue to be exposed to the rest of the single letter sounds. 


In Maths we will explore and create patterns and then develop our understanding of number, focusing on subsitising, recognising numerals and counting accurately. 


PE will continue to be on a Wednesday morning so please come into school in your PE kit on these days. 


As the weather changes please ensure warm coats, gloves and hats are in school every day. We do offer free flow for the children to choose indoor or outdoor play so it is crucial they have everything they need to support this.


Please continue to support your child's learning at home by using the Phonics videos provided and sharing lots of stories, providing opportunities for counting or noticing numbers in the environment. Lots of real life experiences help too! 


Thank you very much,


Mrs Sage and the Owl team

Curriculum Overview - EYFS

Knowledge Organisers Autumn Term


Space Growing and Changing

Additional useful information

Early Learning Goals EYFS Curriculum
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