Otter - Years 1

Welcome to Otter Class

PE Day: Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Make sure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case your lesson is outside. 

Spring Term


Welcome to our class page, where you can find information about PE days, homework and the learning we will be doing over the term.


Our learning question this term is linked to our Science topic.


How can we take care of our planet?


Can you guess what we will be learning about here and what our Science topic will be based on?


Within Maths this term, we will be focusing on Place Value within 50, Length & Height and Mass & Volume. We will use a range of practical resources to explore and solve different calculations.


In English this term, our fiction writing will be focused around the story 'The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers and we will also be writing a non-fiction piece linked to our Science learning on the Seasons. We will be practising sentence structure, punctuation and using our phonics to support spelling.


In Phonics, we will continue to recap our set 2 sounds alongside learning our set 3 sounds. We will also use a range of phonics games to further demonstrate our understanding. We will read in groups daily in school with opportunities to develop our comprehension skills.


In History, we will be focusing on Kings, Queens and Leaders. In PSHE, we will be exploring Drug Education. In Art, we will be exploring the narratives within artwork (Style). In Science, we will be focused on taking care of the Earth. In RE, we will be exploring Salvation and focusing on the question – ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’  In PE, will be be doing Dance and Gymnastics each week. We will also be making sock puppets towards the end of this term in our DT lessons.


Other useful information:

PE Days: 

Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days. Make sure they have warm clothes and suitable shoes in case the lesson is outside. 

Homework: To support the fantastic progress the children are making in school with RWI phonics, please endeavour to hear them read daily at home. 

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